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代磊Title:教授,硕/博导 E-mail Address:dailei@cqu.edu.cn Tel.: |
代磊,男,博士,太阳成集团教授,博士生导师。2024年3月以弘深青年学者A岗加入太阳集团tyc9728开展独立工作。2020年9月博士毕业于中国科学院化学研究所,师从国家杰青叶松研究员,随后在新加坡国立大学进行博士后研究,合作导师为新加坡国家科学院院士、化学系主任卢一新教授。曾获得中国科学院经理奖及新加坡国立大学最佳博士生指导奖。以第一作者/通讯作者发表Science Advances,Nature Communications,ACS Central Science,Chem,Angewandte Chemie, CCS Chemistry, Advanced Science, Chemical Science,ACS Catalysis等高水平论文20余篇。
2024.03-至今 太阳集团tyc9728•创新药物研究中心,教授(硕士/博士生导师)
2020.12.–2024.02 新加坡国立大学,博士后,合作导师:Prof. Yixin Lu
2017.09–2020.09 中国科学院化学研究所,理学博士,导师:叶松研究员
2014.09–2017.06 郑州大学,太阳集团tyc9728,硕士
2010.09–2014.06 郑州大学,太阳集团tyc9728,学士
1. Dai, L.; Guo, J.; Huang, Q.; Lu, Y.* Asymmetric multifunctionalization of alkynes via photo-irradiated organocatalysis. Science Advances, 2022, 8, eadd2574. (中科院一区Top, IF = 13.6)
2. Dai, L.; Zhou, X.; Guo, J.; Dai X.; Huang, Q and Lu, Y.* Diastereo- and atroposelective synthesis of N-arylpyrroles enabled by light-induced phosphoric acid catalysis Nature Communications, 2023, 4813. (中科院一区Top, IF = 16.6)
3. Zhou, X.; Huang, Q; Guo, J.; Dai, L.*; Lu, Y.* Molecular editing of pyrroles via a skeletal recasting strategy. ACS Central Science, 2023, 1758-1767. (中科院一区Top, IF = 18.2)
4. Zhou, X.§; Huang, Q§; Guo, J.; Dai, L.*; Lu, Y.* Enantioselective De Novo Synthesis of a,a-Diarylketones from Alkynes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202310078. (中科院一区Top, IF = 16.6)
5. Dai, L.; Xia, Z.H.; Gao, Y.Y.; Gao, Z.H.* and Ye, S.*, Visible-Light-Driven N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyzed γ- and e-Alkylation with Alkyl Radicals. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 18124-18130. (Reviewed by Nat. Chem.) (中科院一区Top, IF = 16.6)
6. Dai, L and Lu, Y.* Atroposelective remote meta-C-H arylation of 2-arylanilines. Chem, 2023, 1347-1349. (中科院一区Top, IF = 23.5)
7. Dai, X.; Zhang, F.; Dai, L.*; Lu, Y.* Asymmetric Dearomatization of Electron-Deficient Heteroarenes by a Phosphine-Catalyzed [3+2] Annulation with Vinylcyclopropanes. CCS Chemistry, 2023, 5, 2023–2032. (中科院一区Top, IF = 11.2)
8. Dai, L.; Sun, Y.-L.; Guo, J.; Zhou, X.; Huang, Q. and Lu, Y.* Atroposelective Synthesis of 3-Aryl-indoles through a One-pot 2,3-Difunctionalization of Simple Indoles. CCS Chemistry, 2024, DOI: 10.31635/ccschem.023.202303434 (中科院一区Top, IF = 11.2)
9. Zhou, X.§; Huang, Q§; Guo, J.; Dai, L.*; Lu, Y.* Catalytic Asymmetric Construction of α,α-DiarylAldehydes via Oxo hydroarylation of Terminal Alkynes. Advanced Science, 2024, Accepted. (中科院一区Top, IF = 15.1)
10. Dai, L.; Zhou, X.; Guo, J.; Huang, Q. and Lu, Y.* Copper-catalyzed atroposelective synthesis of C–O axially chiral compounds enabled by chiral 1,8-naphthyridine based ligands. Chemical Science, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/d4sc01074d. (中科院一区Top, IF = 8.4)
11. Dai, L. and Ye, S.*, NHC-catalyzed ε-umpolung via p-quinodimethanes and its nucleophilic addition to ketones. ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 994-998. (中科院一区Top, IF = 12.9)
12. Dai, L.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Y.Y. and Ye, S.*, Biomass transformation of cellulose via N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed umpolung of 5-(chloromethyl) furfural. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 100071. (Cell子刊, IF = 8.9)
13. Guo, J.; Shen, Z.-A.; Zhou, X.; Dai, L.*; Lu, Y.* Light-induced phosphine-catalyzed asymmetric functionalization of benzylic C-H bonds. Science China Chemistry, 2023, 66, 127–132. (中科院一区, IF = 9.6)
14. Dai, L.; Zhang, Z.-F. and Chen, X.-Y.*, Reduction of unactivated alkyl chlorides enabled by light-induced single electron transfer Science China Chemistry, 2024 67, 471-481. (中科院一区, IF = 9.6)
15. Dai, L. and Ye, S.*, Recent advances in N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed radical reactions. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32, 660-667. (2023年Chinese Chemical Letters优秀论文奖)(中科院一区, IF = 9.1)
16. Dai, L. and Ye, S.*, Photo/N-heterocyclic carbene co-catalyzed ring opening and γ-alkylation of cyclopropane enal. Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 986-990. (中科院一区Top, IF = 5.2)
17. Dai, L.; Xu, Y.Y.; Xia, Z.H. and Ye, S.*, γ-Difluoroalkylation: Synthesis of γ-difluoroalkyl-α, β-unsaturated esters via photoredox NHC-catalyzed radical reaction. Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 8173-8177. (中科院一区Top, IF = 5.2)