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代元伟Title:副教授/硕士生导师 E-mail Address:ydai20@cqu.edu.cn Tel.: |
代元伟,副教授/硕士生导师。2010年6月毕业于中国药科大学基础药学理科基地班,获学士学位;2015年6月毕业于中科院上海有机化学研究所,获博士学位,师从著名糖化学家俞飚院士。2015-2020年分别在美国西南医学中心、纽约州立大学和马里兰大学从事博士后研究。2020年11月加入太阳集团tyc9728开展研究工作。目前主持国家自然基金、重庆市自然基金、重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划等项目多项,已在ACS Catalysis, Org. Lett., Chem. Commun., ACS Chem. Biol.等有机化学、化员工物学领域国际权威期刊上发表十余篇具有重要学术影响力的研究论文,获批国际专利1项。
2020/11~至今 |
太阳集团tyc9728,副教授,硕士生导师 |
2019/4~2020/10 |
美国马里兰大学,博士后研究助理,主要从事糖化学和化员工物学研究,导师:Prof. Lai-Xi Wang |
2017/4~2019/4 |
美国纽约州立大学,博士后研究助理,主要从事糖化学、多肽合成和化员工物学研究,导师:Prof. Qiang Zhang |
2015/10~2017/4 |
美国西南医学中心,博士后研究助理,主要从事新型STING蛋白激动剂的设计与合成研究,导师:Prof. Chuo Chen |
2010/9-2015/7 |
中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,理学博士,主要从事糖化学和天然产物全合成研究,导师:俞飚研究员 |
2006/9-2010/7 |
中国药科大学,基础药学理科基地班,理学学士,导师:陆涛教授 |
1. 以含糖天然产物为先导,针对耐药治病菌、胞内菌和肿瘤等疾病的创新药物研究与开发;
2. 设计分子探针结合生物正交反应,开展针对重大疾病的药物靶点的发现和确证研究,为相关的药物研发奠定基础;
3. 发展新型糖苷合成技术并应用于复杂糖类化合物的合成。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(22101036,主持)
2. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0093,主持)
3. 重庆市 “博士直通车”项目(CSTB2022BSXM-JCX0124,主持)
4. 重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划项目(cx2021051,主持)
5. 太阳成集团科研启动经费(0247001104425,主持)
1. Zhong, L.#; Wang, Q.#; Wang, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Xiong, Y.; Peng, H.; Zhou, Z.; He, Y.* and Dai, Y.* “Facile and Stereospecific Synthesis of Diverse β-N-Glycosyl Sulfonamide Scaffolds via Palladium Catalysis”. Chem. Comm. 2023, 59, 12907-12910.
2. Wang, Y.#; Cheng, Y.#; Zhong, L.; Lei, S.; He, Y. and Dai, Y.* “Stereospecific Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Glycosylation of Oximes: Access to N−O-Linked Glycosides”. Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 4177-4182. (Highlighted on SYNFACTS by Prof. Mark Lautens)
3. Dai, Y.; Liu, W.; Xu, P.; Yu, B.* Highly stereoselective synthesis of heparin tri- and tetra-saccharide derivatives. Sci. Sin. Chim. 2022, 53, 529-536.
4. Li, S.#; Wang, Y.#; Zhong, L.#; Wang, S.; Liu, Z.; Dai, Y.*; He, Y.*; Feng, Z.* “Boron-Promoted Umpolung Reaction of Sulfonyl Chlorides for the Stereospecific Synthesis of Thioglycosides via Reductive Deoxygenation Coupling Reactions.” Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 2463-2468.
5. Zhao, S.; Wang, Z.-P.; Lin, Z.; Wei, G.; Wen, X.; Li, S.; Yang, X.; Zhang, Q.; Jing, C.; Dai, Y.; Guo, J.*; He, Y.* Drug Repurposing by Siderophore Conjugation: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Siderophore-Methotrexate Conjugates as Antibiotics. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202204139.
6. Peng, H.; Xie, B.; Dai, J.; Dai, Y.; Cen, X.; Yang, X.*; He, Y.* Glutathione-Responsive Multifunctional Nanoparticles Based on Mannose-Modified Pillar[5]arene for Targeted Antibiotic Delivery against Intracellular MRSA. Mater. Chem. Front. 2022, 6, 360-367.
7. Yang, J.; Dai, Y.; Bartlett, R.; Zhang, Q.* “Convergent Palladium-Catalyzed Stereospecific Arginine Glycosylation Using Glycals.” Org. Lett. 2021, 23,4008-4012.
8. Ou, C.; Li, C.; Zhang, R.; Yang, Q.; Zong, G.; Dai, Y.; Francis, R. L.; Bournazos, S.; Ravetch, J. V.; Wang, L.-X.* “One-Pot Conversion of Free Sialoglycans to Functionalized Glycan Oxazolines and Efficient Synthesis of Homogeneous Antibody–Drug Conjugates through Site-Specific Chemoenzymatic Glycan Remodeling”. Bioconjugate Chem. 2021, 32, 1888-1897.
9. Dai, Y.#; Hartke, R.#, Li, C.; Yang, Q.; Liu, O. J.; Wang, L.-X.* “Fluorinated L-Fucose Analogs Inhibit Proliferation of Cancer Cells and Primary Endothelial Cells”. ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 2662–2672.
10. Dai, Y.; Tian, B.; Chen, H.; Zhang, Q.* “Palladium-Catalyzed Stereospecific C-Glycosylation of Glycals with Vinylogous Acceptors”. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 2909–2915. (Selected as ACS editors' choice)
11. Dai, Y.; Weng, J.; George, J.; Chen, H.; Lin, Q.; Wang, J.; Royzen, M.; Zhang, Q.* “Three-Component Protein Modification Using Mercaptobenzaldehyde Derivatives”. Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 3828-3833.
12. Dai, Y.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, Q.* “A General Strategy for Stereoselective Synthesis of β-N-Glycosyl Sulfonamides via Palladium-Catalyzed Glycosylation”. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 3923-3927.
13. Dai, Y.; Yu, B.* “Total synthesis of astrosterioside A, an anti-inflammatory asterosaponin”. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 13826-13829.
14. Li, J.; Dai, Y.; Li, W.; Stéphane, L.; Xu, P.; Yu, B.* “Effective Synthesis of α-D-GlcN-(1→4)-D-GlcA/L-IdoA Glycosidic Linkage under Gold(I) Catalysis”. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4, 756-762.
15. Xu, P.; Xu, W.; Dai, Y.; Yang, Y.; Yu, B.* “Efficient synthesis of a library of heparin tri- and tetrasaccharides relevant to the substrate of heparanase”. Org. Chem. Front. 2014, 1, 405-414.
Zhong, B.; Sun, L.; Wei, Q.; Dai, Y.; Chen, C.; Chen, Z. J. Cyclic di-nucleotide compounds and methods of use. WO2017161349 A1.