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王晨晖Title:教授/博士生导师 E-mail Address:wangchenhui@cqu.edu.cn Tel.: |
王晨晖,太阳集团tyc9728教授/博士生导师,党委委员/药理药剂系主任,重庆市巴渝学者-青年学者。主要从事蛋白药物递送载体设计、缓控释制剂以及肺部递药研究。目前以通讯作者在国际主流药剂学期刊Nano Letters, Small, Journal of Controlled Release, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇,其中IF>10分6篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、重庆市自然科学基金重点项目等课题10项,承担省部级教改项目1项,以副主编出版教材1部。目前担任重庆市药理学会理事、重庆市药学会药剂专委会副主任委员、重庆市药学会药理专委会委员、重庆市科技青年联合会委员等。
2007.9—2011.6 吉林大学 生物技术/工商管理 双学士学位
2011.9—2016.6 吉林大学 微生物与生化药学(药剂方向) 博士学位
2016.7—2018.9 太阳成集团 太阳集团tyc9728 讲师/硕导
2018.9—2023.8 太阳成集团 太阳集团tyc9728 副教授/博导
2023.9—至今 太阳成集团 太阳集团tyc9728 教授/博导
1. Pulmonary delivery of mucus-traversing PF127-modified silk fibroin nanoparticles loading with quercetin for lung cancer therapy, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 18, 100833
2. Self-Assembly of Intelligent Nanoplatform for Endogenous H2S-Triggered Multimodal Cascade Therapy of Colon Cancer, Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 4207-4214
3. Eradicating intracellular MRSA via targeted delivery of lysostaphin and vancomycin with mannosemodified exosomes, Journal of Controlled Release, 2021, 329, 454–467
4. Combination of DNA demethylation and chemotherapy to trigger cell pyroptosis for inhalation treatment of lung cancer, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 18608
5. In Situ biomimetic Nanoformulation for metastatic cancer immunotherapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2021, 134, 633–648
6. Nucleus-Targeted Delivery of Multi-Protein SelfAssembly for Combined Anticancer Therapy, Small, 2021, 17, 2101219
7. Inhalable Porous Microspheres Loaded with Metformin and Docosahexaenoic Acid Suppress Tumor Metastasis by Modulating Premetastatic Niche, Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2021, 18, 2622
8 Calcium-peroxide-mediated cascades of oxygen production and glutathione consumption induced efficient photodynamic and photothermal synergistic therapy, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2023, 11, 2937
9 Nucleus-selective self-augmenting cascade nanoassemblies for targeted synergistic photo-chemo therapy of tumors, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 10940